
“Prejudice begets prejudice, you see. Knowledge does not always evolve into wisdom.”

― Nnedi Okorafor, pixiv稳定梯子

Dear Broad Universe,

Broad Universe is an organization devoted to promoting women and other underrepresented gender identities in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. As an inherently feminist organization, the Motherboard cares deeply about and is affected by other progressive causes.

We affirm that Black Lives Matter.

We support the people who are seeking changes from centuries of white supremacy, injustice and the resulting disenfranchisement, assaults and murders.

As an organization focused on an underserved community, the Broad Universe Motherboard is committed to actively engaging in efforts related to equity, diversity, inclusion and access (EDIA.) We recognize the importance of taking action to increase awareness among BIPOC writers of the support available in our organization.

We will demonstrate our commitment to these important values through the adoption of policies and practices to address disparities and social ills, and by providing access to resources that provide opportunities BIPOC authors to thrive.

We will not allow those who speak up for the need for change to be drowned out. We want BU to be a place where BIPOC writers know they are welcome, heard and supported.

In the future we will:

  • Commit to working with and donating to the BIPOC-led speculative fiction groups, including the Carl Brandon Society and the Black Science Fiction Society,
  • Invite BIPOC writers and editors to teach and talk at Broad Universe events in person and on-line,
  • Invite and promote BIPOC owned publishers and their submission calls to our community,
  • Offer anti-racism and diversity equity, inclusion and access classes for our Supporters.
  • Evaluate the structure of Broad Universe's dues and fees to aid BIPOC writers who can't join BU or participate in classes or other resources because of costs.

A list of places where you can learn more, donate, or get support follows below.

If any Supporter has suggestions or idea for how to further Broad Universe's equity, diversity, inclusion and access, we welcome your comments.


Broad Universe Motherboard

To Learn:

  • We Need Diverse Books Resources for Race, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion
  • Social Justice Books for YA and Children 
  • A Children's Book List for Anti-racist Activism
  • Obama Foundation -- Information, Action, Engagement
  • Anti-racist Reading List from Publishers Weekly 
  • Campaign Zero
  • The Unplug Collective
  • Black, Disabled, and Proud
  • Do’s and Don’ts for White Allies
  • An Antiracist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi
  • We Need Diverse Books Resources for Race, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion
  • Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (from ALA’s Public Programming Office’s Great Stories Club)
  • Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners (books for children and young adults)
  • People of Color in Publishing

To Donate:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • The American Civil Liberties Union
  • p站免翻墙版
  • Color of Change
  • National Bail Out
  • Reclaim the Block
  • Communities United Against Police Brutality  
  • p站搭梯子加速软件
  • 能上p站的梯子2022
  • LGBTQ Freedom Fund
  • Black Science Fiction Society
  • Carl Brandon Society
  • People of Color in Publishing
  • Black Tribbles
  • I Need Diverse Games
  • p站免翻墙版
  • And the Free Bail Organization in your state

Mental Health:

  • Therapy for Black Girls
  • 12 Therapy and Wellness Resources for Black Mental Health
  • Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation
  • p站免翻墙版
  • pixiv稳定梯子
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Schedule the same title for 2 consecutive months and pay for 1 month. Offer good until Aug. 28, 2023. You can even schedule slots into October, provided the files are ready for upload at time of booking. We are happy to offer this price break as part of the Broad Universe Motherboard's effort to help writers during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

~~~ UPDATE: June and July schedules are filled. ~~~

We are accepting applications for August, September, October schedules.

NetGalley is an online portal that delivers digital galleys to professional readers, such as reviewers, journalists, bloggers, librarians, booksellers and educators. Galleys are often called advance reader copies or ARCs. These readers download the galleys to make purchasing decisions for libraries or bookstores. They may post reviews in blogs and professional magazines or may potentially promote your title to their colleagues, library patrons, or bookstore customers. 

You also can use NetGalley to build buzz, receive feedback and reviews, and help influencers discover early trends. When you have more book reviews, you have more social proof, which means the potential for more book sales.

Why book with Broad Universe? NetGalley charges individual authors at least $460 for a minimum six-month contract. If you schedule a slot via Broad Universe, our regular price is only $50 per book, per month. 什么梯子能上p站 receive the discounted rate of $32.

Under the COVID-19 price break, your title would be posted for 2 months for $50 or $32. We have limited slots available each month, so apply early before they fill up. The deadline to apply is the 25th of the month prior to the month you want to schedule.  

Still have questions? Check out the FAQs and read Learn how to make the most of your time on NetGalley.

Take advantage of this 2-for-1 offer pixiv稳定梯子. 


Broad Universe, an international non-profit organization promoting, encouraging, and celebrating the writing of women and alternatively gendered persons in the fields of science fiction, fantasy and horror, invites you to visit the virtual stores of the writers who were unable to attend
HELIOsphere,  WonderCon and Norwescon this spring due to the current public health crisis. We hope to have the opportunity to connect with you in the future! 

WonderCon​ Dealers Room Table Broads:

  • Marie Andreas
  • Beth Barany
  • Louisa Bacio
  • Mary Castillo
  • D.D. Croix
  • Claire Davon
  • Cynthia Diamond
  • Tess McFionn
  • Eilidh Miller
  • 什么梯子能上p站
  • A.K. Shelley | Angela Shelley  
  • 什么梯子能上p站

HELIOsphere Rapid Fire Reading Broads:

  • Elizabeth Crowens
  • April Grey
  • Carol Gyzander
  • Roberta Rogow

Norwescon Rapid Fire Reading Broads:

  • K.G. Anderson  
  • Amanda Cherry  
  • Jude Marie-Green   
  • Marta Murvosh 
  • 能上p站的梯子2022    
  • Dawn Vogel   
  • 能上p站的梯子2022 


This week saw the release of "Alien Redemption," a science fiction novel by Gloria Oliver. The publisher is Zumaya Publications, LLC.

What if the savior was the one who needed saving?

All Claudia wanted to do was escape the mistakes of the past and start over. But when she answers an ad for a medical officer on a merchant ship in the Fringes, the captain recognizes her and blackmails her into taking the job.

The Holiday's Captain Bennet is amoral and has a short fuse. Claudia steers clear of him as much as possible, while trying to care for the crew he lashes out on. Then the rumors start that their latest mission is to a location Bennet won't even share with the pilot.

The secret coordinates take the ship and crew to an uncharted system in the Fringes. To a planet that holds intelligent life, and despite the odds, also a humanoid one.

Bennet plans to use these aliens to climb up the power ladder at the borders of the Dominion. Even if it means placing the Avians into brutal servitude for the rest of their lives.

Can Claudia stop the impending exploitation of this newly discovered sentient species all on her own? Or is there a worse fate than blackmail waiting for her if she tries?

Sample chapters and more info at www.gloriaoliver.com/alien-redemption
Kindle and Nook are currently available, with trade paperbacks soon to follow.


The Motherboard would like to clear up some of the recent confusion about the focus of Broad Universe and who benefits from our various services. Since Broad Universe was founded nineteen years ago, our mission has been and continues to be, to promote, celebrate, and encourage women writers in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. This mission has been stated in multiple places on every version of our website and all of our promotional literature. At this time, we are looking to expand that mission to include alternatively gendered writers because we recognize a similar challenge for this group.

Misinterpretation of our website and other printed material including instructions for signing up members, participating in BU programs, and other BU support documents have inadvertently contributed to this confusion and may have prompted members to pass on misinformation to others, adding to the confusion. Updates are coming to all of these areas.

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